English Department chair Lisa Morgan assists sophomore Taylor Pace is his class selection and registration for the spring 2016 semester.

Freshman Cameron Furey, left, is assisted in his class selection and registration by Associated Student Government representative Joshua Masterson.
More than 25 academic students at Hinds Community College’s Vicksburg-Warren Campus have received an early Christmas present from college instructors and members of the Associated Student Government Association.
The gift came in the form of extra help and assistance in choosing classes for the spring semester, which begins Jan. 11.
“It makes the students feel secure that they are selecting the right classes to build toward their degrees from Hinds and toward possible transfers to universities and four-year colleges,” said the campus dean, Marvin Moak.
“I’m just tickled to death that the faculty members have volunteered their office time to help the students,” he said. “It shows dedication and caring and, overall, the kind of instructors we have at Hinds here in Vicksburg.”
The idea to supplement the campus’ two full-time counselors’ efforts was the brainchild of English Department chair Lisa Morgan, who enlisted five other instructors to each spend about 10 hours over two weeks in helping students.
Morgan secured additional computers and other materials needed for the registration process.
“I got the idea from how universities handle registration,” said the 38-year educator. “We’re trying to bring back days when every student has a teacher who helps them throughout their academic careers.
“Any faculty member on this campus is willing and eager to help any student at any time,” she said. “We’re simply trying to ensure that local people don’t feel they have to go elsewhere for what is offered in the city or county where they live.”
As part of the plan to assist Vicksburg-area students, Morgan said, offerings have been expanded to include classes designed for potential educators. Those classes are art, music and math for teachers.
“That means students who are planning to use the Hinds Two Plus Two Program – where they study for two years here and two years at a university to be teachers – can complete their first two years right here in Vicksburg,” she said.
Cameron Furey is a 20-year-old Vicksburg resident who plans to transfer to Mississippi College or Mississippi State University in fall 2016. First, however, he plans to spend the spring semester at the Hinds Vicksburg campus.
“Mrs. (Cynde) Mott and Miss Morgan helped me go through the motions because I really had no idea what to take or how to do it,” Furey said. “They helped me make sure to sign up for classes that would transfer.”
Twenty-one-year-old Joshua Masterson plans is graduating Friday (Dec. 18) with his associate’s degree, but he finished out his last days at the Vicksburg campus by also helping other students learn the ropes.
“When I first started at Hinds two years ago, Miss Morgan helped me learn how to register and how to pick the classes I really needed,” he said. “That allowed me to do it myself.”
Now as a member of the Associated Student Government, Masterson is helping newer students learn the campus and register for upcoming classes.
The Vicksburg campus had about 1,300 students during the fall semester, an increase of nearly 3,000 from fall 2014.
During the same, most recent semester, 505 students were enrolled in the academic curricula. Moak said 250 students have registered for the spring semester, and registration is scheduled to continue through the holidays and into the first week of classes.
Walk-in, personal registration at any of the Hinds six campuses will continue through Dec. 21 and resume on Jan. 4. Online registration for students who have seen a counselor or adviser is available around the clock at www.hindscc.edu.
As Mississippi’s largest community college, Hinds Community College is a comprehensive institution offering quality, affordable educational opportunities with more than 170 academic, career and technical programs. With six locations in central Mississippi, Hinds enrolled nearly 12,000 credit students in fall 2014. To learn more, visit www.hindscc.edu or call 1.800.HindsCC.