Computer Science

Area of Study
This area of study will introduce you to the general computer science curriculum, building the foundation for upper-level computing specialties, while completing the general education requirements for most baccalaureate degrees. You can also draw on other areas of interest such as biology, business, cyber security, economics, engineering, information assurance, languages and linguistics, mathematics, physics, or public policy to address a wider range of complex issues.


If you see yourself designing and creating software systems, becoming a manager or administrator to a technical enterprise, or becoming a researcher in a technical field, then computer science might be the right course of study for you. Computer science is a dynamic and rapidly growing area; an integral part of the world that we live in today. A degree in computer science will provide you with a deep understanding of theories and emerging technologies, develop cutting-edge solutions that address today’s challenges.

You can also draw on other areas of interest such as biology, business, cyber security, economics, engineering, information assurance, languages and linguistics, mathematics, physics, or public policy to address a wider range of complex issues.

This area of study will introduce you to the general computer science curriculum, building the foundation for upper-level computing specialties, while completing the general education requirements for most baccalaureate degrees.

Quick Facts

Program Name
Computer Science
Degree / Certificates
  • Associate of Arts
  • Jackson
  • Rankin
  • Raymond
  • Utica
  • Online
Delivery Mode
  • Face-to-Face
  • Online
*Select courses required for this program are available online.

Sample Curriculum

Course Hours
Orientation 2
English Composition I 3
General Chemistry I 3
General Chemistry Laboratory I 1
Choose one – SOC 2113, PSY 1513, GEO 1113, PSC 1113, ECO 2113, ECO 2123, GEO 1123 3
Computer Concepts 3
Calculus I 3
Total Hours 18

The degree plan provides the courses recommended for students seeking to transfer in this area of study. Students should consult the Mississippi Articulation Agreement for specific course requirements at specific Mississippi universities. Students can also use MATT (MS Articulation & Transfer Tool).


Rajeev Khatkhate
Curriculum Coordinator
Phatia McClellan, Ph.D.
Department Chair
Carl Dewitt
Department Chair
Chrisanna Saums
Department Chair
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Computer Science

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