Hinds CC schedules May two-week mini-term classes

Registration is now open for Hinds Community College’s May two-week mini-term classes, which begin on May 10 and end on May 23. Mini-term classes allow college students to finish a complete class within a two-week span. They are offered at Jackson...

Job opportunities aplenty, varied at Hinds CC District Job Fair

RAYMOND – Christian Hollins is studying Architectural Engineering at Hinds Community College, but isn’t limiting himself when it comes to finding employment while he finishes his degree. “I’m on track to graduate in December, so I’m looking for some part-time...

Hinds CC Jackson Campus holds College Carnival

 RAYMOND – College Carnival at Hinds Community College Jackson Campus-Academic/Technical Center on April 7 brought out lots of raw talent, desire and ability from metro Jackson high schoolers. “I want to pursue art because people my age need an outlet for anxieties...

Hinds CC Vicksburg-Warren Campus celebrates college Centennial

VICKSBURG – It was the Vicksburg-Warren Campus’ turn to shine in Hinds Community College’s yearlong Centennial celebration. A reception and campus tour April 6 highlighted resolutions of support for the college from local government and included the campus’...

Hinds CC names Hinds Heroes for Spring 2017

RAYMOND – The Spring 2017 group of honorees in the Hinds Heroes employee recognition program have been named. Hinds Heroes are chosen because they represent the college well, provide exceptional customer service to all its customers and consistently promote the Hinds...