Hinds CC
Hinds CC locations will be closed Monday, March 10, through Friday, March 14, 2025, in observance of Spring Break. All locations will resume normal operations on Monday, March 17, 2025. Online courses will maintain their regular schedule.

Statement of Qualifications

3.1 Statement of Qualifications Format and Content

The Proposer’s Statement of Qualifications should fully state its General Counsel experience. The submitted Statement of Qualifications should be organized and indexed in a format that ensures the District can easily review to effectively evaluate the Proposer’s Statement of Qualifications.

Preferred Format
  • I.A. Identify the submitting organization.
  • I.B. A listing of all principals of the firm;
  • I.C. Identify the name and title of the person authorized by the organization to contractually negotiate and obligate the organization;
  • I.D. Identify the name, title and telephone number of the person(s) being proposed as General Counsel
  • I.E. Identify the names, titles and telephone numbers of persons to be contacted for clarification;
  • I.F. Be signed by the person authorized to contractually obligate the organization.
  • II.A. Brief History of the firm, including a resume or Curriculum Vita of the personnel proposed to provide General Counsel Legal Services.
  • II.B. The location and listing of resources of the local office (e.g., number of partners, associates, clerical staff, etc.), and the distance from this office to the District.
  • II.C. Professional memberships, certifications, licenses, and other qualifications for key individuals assigned to the District.
  • II.D. Company’s experience and qualifications for similar types of engagements; this summary must include your firm’s experience in each of the areas of specialty listed herein for which the Proposer is submitting a Statement of Qualifications.
  • II.E. A listing of cases and outcomes relating to higher education clients which have been handled by the firm through negotiation, settlement, mediation, arbitration, or litigation.
  • III.A. Proposer will include a fee proposal specifically reflecting the method of determining charges for work performed, and include hourly rates for the following:
    • i. Principal
    • ii. Senior Partner
    • iii. Partner
    • iv. Senior Associate
    • v. Mid-Level Associate
    • vi. Associate
    • vii. Counsel Attorney
    • viii. Graduate Legal Assistant
    • ix. Law Clerk
    • x. Paralegal Staff
    • xi. Travel
  • III.B. Proposer shall include other necessary costs and expenses, to include, but not limited to, the following:
    • i. Hourly rate for telephone consultation
    • ii. Cost for fax transmission/receiving
    • iii. Cost per hour for court litigation and administrative proceedings
    • iv. Cost per hour for attendance at the Board of Trustees meetings
    • v. Hourly rate for travel time/mileage (Is time charged from portal to portal?)
    • III.C. Proposer shall indicate how Proposer’s fees are charged (i.e., 1/10th Hour increments, quarter hour increments, fixed fee, per transmission, etc.).
  • IV.A. Proposer shall complete, sign, date, and include with its Statement of Qualifications the Certificate of Non-Discrimination attached to this RFQ/P.
  • V.A. A minimum of two (2) verifiable references from a Mississippi public or private educational institution shall be listed on the “References” sheet provided in this RFQ/P; this list may include current and former clients (with reason for cancellation if applicable), with all references being able to fully comment on the Proposer’s related experience;
  • VI.A. Proposers may include other materials that they feel may improve the quality of their Statement of Qualification/Proposal submissions and/or are pertinent to this RFQ/P.
  • VI.B. Proposers are encouraged to include letters of reference and/or testimonials in their Statements of Qualifications/Proposals.

All costs related to the Proposer’s Statement of Qualifications/Proposal submission are the sole responsibility of the Proposer. All Statements of Qualifications/Proposal that are submitted are the property of the District.

All information contained in Statements of Qualification/Proposals submitted may be subject to MS CODE 25-61-5 and information’s use and disclosure are governed by this Act. Any information deemed confidential or proprietary should be clearly identified by the Proposer as such. Such information may then be protected and treated with confidentiality to the extent permitted by state law.

3.2. Request for Clarification/Information (RFC/RFI)

Questions regarding the meaning of the Scope of Work, Technical Requirements, or other pre-proposal documents shall be directed to Renee Cotton at renee.cotton@hindscc.edu.

3.3. Request for Qualifications/Proposal (RFQ/P) Submittals

For the purpose of this Request for Qualifications/Proposal, it should be noted that the documents submitted by prospective Proposers are sealed Statements of Qualification/Proposals.

When submitted Statements of Qualification/Proposals are opened, prices and other information shall not be made public unless the firm submitting the Statement of Qualifications/Proposal is selected as a legal resource by the District. At that time, any executed retainer agreement or other executed contract between Proposer and District shall become public information, subject to disclosure under the Mississippi Law through publication on the District’s Board Agenda.