Hinds CC
Hinds CC locations will be closed Monday, March 10, through Friday, March 14, 2025, in observance of Spring Break. All locations will resume normal operations on Monday, March 17, 2025. Online courses will maintain their regular schedule.

Request for Qualifications and Proposals for General Counsel Legal Services

Date: February 22, 2021

Hinds Community College District
P.O. Box 1100
Raymond, MS 39154


The Hinds Community College District is presently accepting Statement of Qualifications and Proposals for Community College District General Counsel Legal Services, as more described herein, until 2:00 PM, March 23, 2021. Any questions concerning the contents of this document should be e-mailed to Renee Cotton at renee.cotton@hindscc.edu. Any changes and notices related to this solicitation will be posted via addendum or via email. In the event this RFQ/P is obtained through any means other than the District’s direct distribution, the District will not be responsible for the completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of the final RFQ/P document.

To facilitate the evaluation process, one (1) original AND five (5) additional copies of the Statement of Qualifications/Proposal shall be provided. All Statements of Qualifications are preferred to be typed on 8½” x 11” paper, 12 point (or larger) Arial or Times New Roman font with 1” page margins on all sides. Mistakes may be crossed out and corrections made adjacent, however, each correction must be initialed by the person signing the Statement of Qualifications/Proposal.

Delivered Statements of Qualifications/Proposals shall be enclosed and sealed in an envelope or container clearly marked RFQ/P No. 1017, Community College District General Counsel Legal Services and addressed to Hinds Community College District, Attn: Chief of Staff.

Statements of Qualification may be delivered in one of the following methods:

Hand delivered to:

Hinds Community College District
Chief of Staff
Attn: Renee Cotton
608 College Blvd. Fountain Hall, Room 200
Raymond, MS 39154


U.S. Postal Service, UPS, FedEx, or other common carrier must be received by March 23, 2021:

Hinds Community College District
Chief of Staff
Attn: Renee Cotton
P.O. Box 1100
Raymond, MS 39154


STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATION/PROPOSAL DELIVERED TO OTHER THAN THE ABOVE STATED ADDRESS WILL BE REJECTED AND RETURNED TO THE PROPOSERUNOPENED. It is the Proposer’s sole responsibility to ensure that his/her Statement of Qualification/Proposal is received at the proper place, at the proper time. Postmarks will not validate Statements of Qualifications/Proposals which arrive after the deadline date/time listed above. Any Statement of Qualification/Proposal received after the scheduled closing time for receipt of Statement of Qualifications/Proposal may be discarded without further consideration. Statements of Qualification/Proposal may be withdrawn by submitting a written request to renee.cotton@hindscc.edu  prior to the scheduled closing time for receipt of Statements of Qualification/Proposal.

Proposers shall be bound to the pricing terms contained within their submitted Statements of Qualification/Proposal, which shall remain in effect as stated until at least June 30, 2023.Statements of Qualification/Proposal shall be signed by an authorized individual or officer of the firm submitting the Statement. If the Proposer is a corporation or limited liability company, the Statement of Qualification/Proposal shall be executed by either the chairman of the board, president, or vice president, the secretary, or the chief financial officer.