Hinds CC

2014 Baseball Team

Win or lose tonight against Mesa (Ariz.) Community College, the 2014 Hinds Eagles Baseball team has earned a Homecoming for Champions.

Hinds Community College will have a homecoming celebration for the baseball team at approximately 8:30 p.m. Sunday as the team arrives home via charter bus from Enid, Oka.

The celebration will be along Hinds Boulevard in Raymond and at Joe G. Moss field, home of Eagles Baseball, located on Hinds Boulevard.

The 2014 Eagles team is the only Hinds CC baseball team that has ever played in the championship game of the National Junior College Athletic Association World Series.

Follow the Hinds Facebook pages for updates on the team’s arrival in Raymond

at https://www.facebook.com/HindsCCSports  or  https://www.facebook.com/HindsCC .

Watch the national championship game tonight at 7 p.m. via web streaming at http://www.njcaatv.com/njcaatv/