Hinds CC


Utica Campus in the fall

Utica Campus in the fall

Transportation is still being provided to Hinds Community College’s Utica Campus despite the fact that Hinds Agricultural High School, which was located on the college campus, closed after the end of the 2014 school year.

College students who attend the Utica Campus will be bused from routes located in Edwards, Bolton/Clinton, Crystal Springs/Hazlehurst, Jackson, Port Gibson, Vicksburg and Utica. Buses are timed to get to campus in time for 8 a.m. classes and leave at 4 p.m.

“Transportation has long been a tradition for this campus, and we believe we should continue to provide it to our students who need it,” said Dr. Debra Mays-Jackson, Utica Campus Vice President.

Students also have the option of living in residence halls on the Utica Campus. For information on housing see https://www.hindscc.edu/student-life/housing/utica-halls-rates.