Hinds CC
Hinds CC locations will be closed Monday, March 10, through Friday, March 14, 2025, in observance of Spring Break. All locations will resume normal operations on Monday, March 17, 2025. Online courses will maintain their regular schedule.

Hinds employees pitch in on beautification projects

The ancient proverb “Many hands make light work,” is the best way to describe the Hinds Cares About Hinds Day on Friday, Sept. 15. Employees scattered to all six campuses to make sure they were spruced up and fall ready.

“Human Resources appreciates all the employees who volunteered to assist in keeping Hinds beautiful,” said Vice President for Human Resources Andrea Janoush. Over 150 employees showed up on Friday for the workday. “It’s a great time to come together as a community and work on a common goal,” Janoush said. “Our facilities, maintenance and grounds departments are the best around and we appreciate all they do every day and for partnering with HR for this special day.”

On every campus, parking lots needed restriping, trees needed cutting down, hedge rows needed trimming and windows needed washing.

“We appreciate the help,” said Rankin Campus Director of Physical Plant and Maintenance Jack Hust. “There is always more work to be done and more hands make it an easier task.”

On the Raymond Campus, Joe Renfroe Stadium and surrounding areas got special attention in anticipation of an upcoming home game. Volunteers painted new lines over the entire commuter parking lot. Then, organizers like Facilities Services Director Betty Davis guided the inside-cleaning volunteers who worked in the stadium, the band hall, the ticket stand, concession stand and guest bathrooms.

“We are getting ready for our guests next week,” said nursing instructor Elola Maberry (NAHC/Jackson).

Upward Bound instructor David Atkins, (Utica), Accounting Disbursement Clerk Chante Willis (Raymond) and Dean of Agriculture and Transportation and Director of Talent Workforce and Economic Development Josh Bower (Raymond) picked up limbs near the stadium.

“It’s nice to get out and meet other people at Hinds,” Willis said. “It also feels good to know that we actually are helping the grounds people.” This team had what looked to be a big job, lots of limbs and a couple of large, downed trees. But working in tandem with men like Antonio Moore, who drove the tractor and trailer, and with each other, the entire area was cleared out quickly, albeit with a lot of sweat equity.

Utica Campus English instructor Dan Fuller used a long pole to wash windows at the Stokes Student Union Building. “It’s such a pretty campus, and it’s good to put a little shine on things and let everyone see what a special place it is,” he said.

New Adult Education instructor Melinda Spille, who worked near Fuller, said it was a great opportunity to meet other employees.

“I’m kind of in my own little world down there in the Adult-Ed building,” Spille said. “I thought it would be fun to get outside with everyone and have an opportunity to meet and talk to other employees.”

Human resources also encouraged people to visit other campuses for the volunteer workday, and many were glad they did.

Business Manager Katrina Smith, who works on the Raymond Campus, volunteered on the Utica Campus where she formerly worked. “I like getting the opportunity to see old co-workers and fellowship with them and do some good for the college.”

“I wanted to come out and help because we always want to be sure the campus looks on-point for the kids,” said Custodial Team Leader Kimberly Lighter on the Utica Campus. “We work to give them a good environment.”

Groundskeepers in Utica were quick to say they appreciated everyone’s hard work on Friday. John Steel, McKinley Mack and Assistant Grounds Director Mike Montgomery were showing folks how to use blowers and trimmers on the Utica Campus. They said it was nice of everyone to work so hard. “We appreciate everyone coming out here to help,” McKinley said.

James J. Colyer, Hinds Cares Day Team Leader and Director of Maintenance at the NAHC/Jackson Campus, is of the same mind that many hands make light work. “We truly appreciate all of the combined help from the different campuses,” Colyer said. “It was a big help for us today towards beautifying the grounds.”

Nathaniel Williams, who works at the WIN Job Center on the Vicksburg-Warren Campus, helped clean cobwebs from windows, foyers and corners.

“It’s all about the kids that come through here. it’s about providing a great campus for them, and for the faculty, too,” he said.

President Dr. Stephen Vacik worked on hedge rows on the Rankin Campus. He and other faculty and staff were on hand trimming hedges, painting curbs and re-striping parking lots, cleaning windows and blowing leaves.

Dean of Students Erin Vaughn Jones (Utica) was working hard to beautify the campus by helping out with re-striping and painting curbs along the Utica Campus parking spaces.

Upward Bound instructor David Atkins (Utica), left, Accounting Disbursement Clerk Chante Willis (Raymond) and Dean of Agriculture and Transportation and Director of Talent Workforce and Economic Development Josh Bowers had the rough job of picking up limbs on part of the walking trails. Here they are on a break. “It’s nice to get out and meet other people at Hinds,” Willis said. “It also feels good to know that we actually are helping the grounds people.” This team had what looked to be a big job, but after working together with everyone, the felled trees and limbs were cleared out quickly, albeit with a lot of sweat equity.