Hinds CC

Enrollment FAQs

How do I submit my official transcripts?

Official transcripts may be sent directly from your previous school to Hinds in one of these ways:

  1. By mail to Hinds Community College, Office of Admissions, PO Box 1100, Raymond, MS 39154. Mailed transcripts must still be in the original, sealed envelope provided by the school issuing the transcript.
  2. Electronically through an approved transcript service agency. Check with your previous school to see if electronic transcript service is provided.
  3. In person only if your transcript is still sealed in the original envelope provided to you by your previous school.
How do I submit my official test scores?

Hinds CC accepts official ACT or SAT scores in these ways:

  1. Scores may be documented on your official high school transcript.
  2. Scores may be sent to us directly from National ACT or the College Board. Submit a request for an official ACT score report on the ACT website. Submit a request for an official SAT scores on the College Board website.

If you took a placement test at another college, those scores are not transferrable to Hinds CC.

What is the ACCUPLACER test?

The ACCUPLACER is an untimed, computerized test that helps Hinds evaluate your skills and place you into appropriate courses. The ACCUPLACER offers tests in reading comprehension, sentence skills, and arithmetic.

Do I have to take the ACCUPLACER?

First time college students who have not taken the ACT or SAT must take the ACCUPLACER for general admission to Hinds. Your Hinds counselor will also use your scores for course advisement purposes. College transfer students who have not received college credit in at least one English and one Math course must take the ACCUPLACER or submit official ACT or SAT scores.

Can I take the ACCUPLACER even if I have already taken the ACT?

Some students choose to take the ACCUPLACER to improve their placement level in certain courses even if they have already taken the ACT. For example, if a student’s ACT math sub score has placed them into a particular math course, the student may wish to take only the math section of the ACCUPLACER in efforts to increase their placement into a higher math course. If a student who has already taken the ACT chooses to take the ACCUPLACER for course placement purposes, the cost is $5 per subject area of the ACCUPLACER test.

View more ACCUPLACER information

How do I know if I am accepted?

All students who meet the minimum admission requirements are accepted to Hinds CC! Several business days after you apply to Hinds CC, you’ll receive a welcome email sent to the email address provided on your application. This will include instructions for accessing your HindsNet ID and My.Hinds student account.

Why do I have to see a counselor if I am a returning student?

If you are retuning to Hinds after sitting out for one or more semesters (excluding summer terms), a counselor will need to advise you first before you register for classes in order to make sure you are on the right track in your program of study. After you are advised by a counselor, you may register for classes while meeting with your counselor or later in your My.Hinds account.

How do I apply for scholarships?

Each scholarship has unique applications, requirements, and/or audition and try-outs. It’s important to research each scholarship in the scholarship listing to determine scholarship requirements and deadlines.