Hinds CC
Hinds CC locations will be closed Monday, March 10, through Friday, March 14, 2025, in observance of Spring Break. All locations will resume normal operations on Monday, March 17, 2025. Online courses will maintain their regular schedule.

Hinds recently welcomed the addition of a new department, the Office of Sustainability, under Thomas Wasson, vice president for Physical Plant and Auxiliary Services. Jason Pope has been named the director of sustainability, while Mindy Stevens will serve as sustainability projects coordinator. Energy conservation will be the key focus of the department, but recycling will also fall under the office’s duties.

In 2008, the energy conservation effort was implemented district wide. The savings since its inception, which includes all utilities for all campuses, comes to approximately $6.3 million, or 29.4 percent.

“These district wide numbers are the reason the program has been such a huge success for the college,” Pope said. “This reflects a cohesive group effort on the part of our employees to be better stewards of taxpayer dollars.”

With the recycling initiative taking on a more defined role this coming year, with the introduction of desk-side recycling bins, the Office of Sustainability hopes to enhance the already existing program.

“Mindy Stevens was the obvious choice to lead the recycling program; she has demonstrated her passion for recycling in the local community and at the college for years,” Pope said. “Her enthusiasm and energy will continue to lead this program forward.”

According the Pope and Stevens, the college has a duty to help protect the environment through recycling efforts. There is, of course, the added benefit of all the recycling proceeds going toward scholarships in the Honors program and the GED program at the Hinds County Penal Farm, where inmates process and bail all of the recycled goods.

Recent legislation also played a role in the development of the new office. Gov. Phil Bryant recently signed House Bill 1296 during the 2013 Regular Session, which created the Mississippi Energy Sustainability and Development Act. This new law requires each state agency, including Hinds Community College, to submit an official Energy Management Plan to the Mississippi Development Authority.

Currently, the college is averaging about 80,000 pounds of cardboard, or about two semi-truck loads, per month, which is collected from throughout the county.

“Other types of recyclable materials, like paper and plastic, are growing rapidly,” Stevens said. “The college currently recycles paper, plastic, cardboard, aluminum and tin. We are planning on really encouraging people to recycle paper products more often.”

Stevens also spearheaded a program with the college’s cafeteria this fall. All leftover food is now taken to the penal farm and re-used for hog feed. Stevens said she implemented this initiative after traveling abroad to Costa Rica with an Honors group.

“After experiencing Costa Rica’s normal practice of not wasting food, we implemented a similar practice with the Hinds cafeteria,” Stevens said. “Vince Randazzo has been extremely helpful in supporting this initiative. The cafeteria is a huge contributor to all of the recycling on campus.”

All Hinds employees, throughout the district, are encouraged to help with the recycling initiative in the following ways:

– Start using existing recycle bins

– Promote recycling to students and coworkers

– Use the recycling bins for recycling only

-Request bins, if needed, from the Office of Sustainability

– Report recycling issues to the Office of Sustainability

– When in doubt: recycle it

The Office of Sustainability is aiming to get desk-side recycling bins out to eligible employees as soon as possible.

“It’s going to take some time to get all the bins distributed, but we are working diligently across the district to ensure everyone has their opportunity to contribute to the recycling efforts,” Stevens said.

Any employees who wish to get a head start on the recycling initiative may drop off recyclable items to the penal farm.


**Put following information in a break-out box**

District-wide energy savings since 2008 inception:$6,367,053 or 29.4 percent

Campus percentage savings since inception (electric, water, gas):

Raymond:           29%

Utica:                    25%

Rankin:                 34%

JATC:                     31%

Vicksburg:           42%

NAHC:                   31%

Environmental savings for the district as a whole:

MMBTU Avoided: 353,088 MMBTU

This equates to removing 5,801 cars from the road or 826,691 trees planted in a 10-year sequestration.