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Campus involvement helps student grow, achieve

“I was one of seven kids growing up, so I’ve always been around them,” she said. “I love seeing those little ‘a-ha’ moments when they figure something out and get interested in learning. I was homeschooled and helped my mom teach my siblings.

Hinds helps allied health student on career path

Bolton has attended Hinds on three scholarships and is president of the Alpha Iota Kappa chapter of Phi Theta Kappa honor society at the Jackson Campus-Nursing/Allied Health Center.

Employment opportunities abound at job fair

“Our goal is to provide students a way to connect with businesses in the same place they attend classes,” Allen said. “Currently, there are more jobs available than people to fill them and the opportunity for motivated students is at an all-time high.

Hinds CC, Mississippi Highway Patrol agree to grow law enforcement ranks

Starting in fall 2022, the C.O.R.E. (Candidates on Rapid Entry) program will provide for an MHP officer to be on campus two days a week to assist criminal justice students on physical training and to teach them MHP-related curriculum to better prepare them for patrol school upon successful completion of the one-year program.

Students present at Mississippi Academy of Sciences

“With us not being a research institution, it is important for STEM majoring students to participate in events like this because it not only allows them to interact with other students at four-year institutions but also learn about the opportunities aligned with scientific research.”

Hinds honors key Utica retirees

“Four key figures who served on the Utica Campus were recognized with special dedications at campus locations linked to their careers.”