About Rankin
We are committed to providing a quality education with a personal approach. The Rankin Campus is a commuter campus that offers small classroom sizes and highly qualified and caring faculty.
The Clyde Muse Center
Home to our Animation, Simulation, and Film & Video programs – the center also provides 25,000 square feet of meeting space.
Honors Institute
Our prestigious Honors Institute allows students to go above and beyond. Their work has a real, lasting impact on our community.

Electromechanical Lab
With nearly 5,000 square feet, our electromechanical and automation lab trains students using cutting-edge technology.

Come For A Visit
It only takes one visit to see what sets Hinds Community College apart from other colleges. When you schedule a campus visit, you'll be able to meet with a recruiter, get a personal tour of campus, and interact with other students. Tours are available by appointment at all six Hinds locations.
Campus Offerings
Programs of Study
All of our campuses offer a variety of academic courses needed in your first two years of college in order to pursue any bachelor’s degree. Students will save an average of $8,000 in tuition costs when they attend Hinds CC in their first two years before transferring to a public university!
Each of our campuses also offers a variety of career and technical programs which provide you with the hands-on training you need for successful employment. These programs are 1–2 years in length and offer a career certificate, technical certificate, or an Associate of Applied Science degree.
Student Life
The Rankin Campus has activities that meet both the academic and social needs of our students. As a student, you can participate in intramural sports, special events throughout the year such as Welcome Week, Spring Fever, cook-outs, and more.
There are also opportunities to join clubs that afford our students opportunities for growth, character, citizenship, leadership, and social poise.
Student Services
We offer a wide variety of student services that include advising, counseling, tutoring, and testing facilities. Below you will find just a few of the many ways we work to ensure your success at Hinds CC.
The Early Childhood Education Center provides a healthy learning environment for infants through age four with half-day, full-day, or weekly rates. Priority is given to our Rankin campus students, faculty and staff; but if spots are still available, doors will then open to the community as well.
For more information, please contact 601-936-5548.
English Lab
Our English Lab is free for all students. We offer walk-in tutoring for students in all disciplines.
For more information, please contact 601-936-5577.
Learning Assistance Center
Located in the Administrative Classroom Building (Room 226), the Learning Assistance Center offers an academic computer lab with remedial computer programs, as well as a quiet atmosphere conducive for homework and studying.
For more details, email Lindsei.Roby@hindscc.edu or call 601-936-5567.
Math Lab
The Rankin Campus offers a free math lab for our students Monday – Friday in the Academic Library Building. Students can benefit from free tutoring in classes ranging from Beginning Algebra through Calculus. Students may also use the lab for working on and submitting math homework, accessing additional worksheets and resources for common trouble topics, and gathering with classmates to practice and study.
For more information, email EKBurkhalter@hindscc.edu or call 601-936-1837
Workforce Development Center
Our Workforce Development Center offers an array of opportunities: ACCUPLACER testing, the Residual ACT, online testing through Mississippi’s Virtual Community College, testing for independent study courses, career assessment, and the career readiness certificate. These opportunities not only impact our students but expand to meet the needs of the general community.
For more information or inquiries, please contact our Workforce Development Center at 601-936-1821.
Campus News

Rankin PTK inducts new members
PEARL –  The Alpha Omicron Omega Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at Hinds Community College’s Rankin Campus inducted new members and officers during a drive-through ceremony March 12. Newly inducted members include Dakota Ashby, of Flowood; Katherine Coker, of Clinton;...
3805 Highway 80 East
Pearl, MS 39208-4295
P: 601-936-1820
Campus Office Hours
Monday—Thursday: 8 a.m.—4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
For more detailed campus hours, click here
Campus Directory
- Academic Dean: 601-936-5553
- Career & Technical Dean: 601-936-5550
- Dean of Students: 601-936-5552