Hinds CC
Hinds CC locations will be closed Monday, March 10, through Friday, March 14, 2025, in observance of Spring Break. All locations will resume normal operations on Monday, March 17, 2025. Online courses will maintain their regular schedule.

2014 Baseball Team

Mississippi’s Region XXIII champions and second place finisher in the National Junior College Athletic Association World Series on Saturday will be home tonight.

 The Hinds Community College family is honoring the 2014 Hinds Eagles Baseball team with a Homecoming for Champions celebration tonight at 7:30 at Joe G. Moss Field on Hinds Boulevard in Raymond as the team arrives home via charter bus from Enid, Oka. If it’s raining, the celebration will be at Fountain Hall at the corner of Hinds Boulevard and Main Street, across from the electronic sign.

The 2014 Eagles team is the only Hinds CC baseball team that has ever played in the championship game of the National Junior College Athletic Association World Series.

Follow the Hinds Facebook pages for updates on the team’s arrival in Raymond

at https://www.facebook.com/HindsCCSports  or  https://www.facebook.com/HindsCC