Hinds CC


Requesting Transcripts

How to request your Hinds transcript:

You can request your Hinds transcript by visiting Parchment. Transcripts can be sent electronically (if available), mailed or picked up locally in our office. Whether you request a transcript online or in-person, you will be required to create an account through the Parchment website. Click HERE for instructions on how to create a Parchment account and order transcripts.

For the fastest processing, online requests can be designated for electronic delivery.
If you choose to request a transcript to be sent electronically, please note that there is a fee of $5.00 plus sales taxes, payable by credit or debit card to Parchment.

If you choose to have your transcript mailed by Parchment, the fee is $5.50, plus a $2.75 handling fee and sales taxes, payable by credit or debit card to Parchment.

If you choose to pick up a transcript locally at our office, please note that there is a fee of $5.00 plus sales taxes, payable by credit or debit card to Parchment. Transcripts picked up locally can be picked up in Adam Jenkins, Jr. Hall in Room 103 located on the Raymond campus.


Office of Admissions and Records
Hinds Community College
P.O. Box 1100
Raymond, MS 39154-1100

Submitting Transcripts

Hinds only accepts official transcripts for admission purposes. It’s important to send official transcripts properly so your admission is not delayed.

How to Submit Official High School Transcripts
  1. Official high school transcripts may be mailed to Hinds directly from the high school in a sealed envelope to this mailing address: Hinds Community College, PO Box 1100, Raymond, MS 39154.
  2. You can also pick up an official, sealed transcript from your school and mail it or bring it to Hinds as long as you do not open the original, sealed high school envelope.
  3. Some high schools use a secure, third-party electronic transcript agency where an official transcript is sent to Hinds for us to download from a secure portal. If your high school requires a Hinds email address to complete the electronic transcript transmittal, they must use this email: Records@hindscc.edu.
  4. If you received a High School Equivalency Diploma (GED®, HiSET®, TASC™, or Mississippi Competency-Based High School Equivalency), we recommend that you request an official HSE transcript (not a diploma) from www.diplomasender.com.

Transcript Tip: if you submit a high school transcript before you graduate, you must submit another official transcript after you graduate.

How to Submit Official College Transcripts
  1. Most colleges use a secure, third-party electronic transcript agency where an official transcript is sent to Hinds for us to download from a secure portal. If you request your transcript to be sent to Hinds this way and a Hinds email address is required to complete the electronic transcript request, you must use this email: Records@hindscc.edu.
  2. Official college transcripts may be mailed to Hinds directly from the college in a sealed envelope to this mailing address: Hinds Community College, Attn: Admissions, PO Box 1100, Raymond, MS 39154.

Transcript Tip: if you submit a college transcript showing courses as “in-progress”, you must submit another official transcript after your grades are posted.

How to Submit Official ACT Scores
  1. Hinds accepts official ACT scores sent directly to us from National ACT via an electronic score report. You can request official ACT scores at www.ACT.org.
  2. Hinds also accepts official ACT scores if they are documented on an official high school transcript.
More Transcript Tips:
  1. We do not accept transcripts if they are sent to us in any of the following ways:
    • Emailed transcripts (even if emailed by the high school or college)
    • Faxed transcripts (even if faxed by the high school or college)
    • Unsealed transcripts or transcripts that have been opened from their original, sealed envelope.
  2. If your high school or college requires a transcript request form provided by Hinds, you may use this Download and fill out our transcript request form. You may complete the form and submit it to the Registrar’s Office of your High School or previous college(s).


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