Hinds CC

Financial Aid Refunds

Am I getting a refund?

Not all students receive financial aid refunds. Students receiving aid that exceeds their total charges at Hinds Community College will receive a refund. Financial aid that students have been awarded will be available for the payment of their tuition and fees at the beginning of each semester. Students who have remaining aid after their financial aid has been applied to their total charges (tuition/fees, room, board) may use their remaining aid in any of the Hinds Bookstores for the purchase of books and educational supplies related to the classes that they are attending. Any aid remaining after purchasing textbooks and supplies will be refunded to students according to the refund dates shown below.

Students must be enrolled and attending classes that are applicable to their program of study and making satisfactory academic progress in these classes in order to receive financial aid refunds.

Please note – Students will receive a Disclosure Statement from Direct Loans that will show the dates (and amounts) that funds will be released to the College. Students will receive an email when funds are actually released to the College. Students have 14 days from that date to decline those funds if they do not wish to borrow those funds.

Hinds Community College delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. You can view more information on the BankMobile Disbursement website.

How to Find Your Refund Amount

Financial Aid Awarded & Accepted  (Tuition & Fees + Room & Board + Bookstore Charges) = Refund Amount


Communications Center
Financial Aid